Do you know what your breasts feel and look like today?
It’s important to know what your “normal” is. If you detect any changes from your normal, they should be checked out by a doctor to determine whether they warrant further testing. It’s likely you’ll be found to have a cyst or a benign tumor rather than cancer. But if the changes are found to be cancerous or pre-cancerous, the earlier they’re discovered – the better your chance of recovery!
Examine your breasts every month (in addition to, not instead of, your regular mammogram), and see your health care provider if you have any concerns. See how to do a self breast exam below.
Painful Breasts?
Painful or lumpy breasts can sometimes be caused by a hormone imbalance or nutritional deficiency. Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition whereby the breasts have cysts, fluid filled sacs and inflamed tissue, which are usually painful to touch. Up to 2/3 of American women report suffering from this condition. Estrogens have been implicated as a causative factor. A common conventional treatment uses birth control pills to suppress the ovaries, thus lowering the amount of circulating estrogen in the body often alleviates the pain. Another hormonal option getting interesting results supplements you natural rhythmic cycles with bio-identical progesterone cream. Restoring balance seems to alleviate pain. Non-hormonal approaches are also considered.
Dietary factors can contribute to this painful condition. Eliminating caffeine and eating foods rich in antioxidants and healthy fats may help alleviate some complaints. Also vitamin and mineral supplementation can improve this condition. Get your Vitamin D level checked. Women with cancer seem to have lower levels than others.
Help is available!
Iodine has also been shown to be extremely effective in treating fibrocystic breasts as well as suspected to be cancer preventative. In fact, according to “Iodine: Why you need it/Why you can’t live without it” by Dr. David Brownstein, iodine has been the most researched mineral in treating this condition.
Despite the fortification of our salt and food with iodine many people are still deficient. Iodine is essential for the proper synthesis of thyroid hormone in the body and running our metabolism to burn calories. Enzymes in our body need iodine to complete their job or reactions. Unfortunately when iodine is deficient, our bodies grab other elements in our environment take its place! Chlorine, bromine, and fluoride are abundant in our environment, food and water supply. These chemicals will quickly replace iodine in our body’s tissue and interfere with metabolism leading to a number of problems including hypothyroidism, lowered vitality, cognitive dysfunction, lowered immunity, obesity and possibly breast cancer.
The majority of the body’s iodine (about 20 to 30 mg) circulating in the average adult is stored in the thyroid in the form of thyroid hormone. Less than 1 mg is found in the blood, and trace amounts are found in the tissue. Therefore blood testing is not the true way to check for deficiency. In the past, iodine was administered by painting in onto the skin. Deficiency is tested by giving iodine and watching the body soak it up. This forms the basis for the iodine spot test. This is an easy method of assessing your iodine levels. Try our at home ‘Iodine Spot Test’ to see if you are deficient in this key mineral.
A more scientific, definitive test involves oral Iodine administered and a 24 hour urine collection for elimination (24 Hour Iodine Loading Test). Deficient people soak up or hold onto any given iodine showing little in the collected urine. Those without a deficiency or well saturated will spill out most of the iodine in the urine collected. Knowing your saturation number, makes it easy to administer enough iodine to replenish your deficiency and saturate the necessary tissue. Retesting can confirm and management your continued supplementation.
Supplements to Consider:
- Iodoral or XymoDine to boost your iodine levels use only one per day. For more specific dosing, a 24 hour iodine challenge test is recommended.
- XenoProtect is a comprehensive formula designed to support phase I and phase II liver detoxification of environmental pollutants, endocrine disruptors, estrogen metabolites, xenoestrogens, and other toxins.
- PMS Soothe to help boost Progesterone or consider our Hormone Balancing Program.
- 4 Balance (Progesterone Cream) – This is a topical progesterone cream designed for women of all ages that helps promote effective balance of estrogen dominance. Each single pump dispenses on average 29.8mg of USP progesterone.
- CurcuPleax 95 and Curcumin Topical Cream to help reduce inflammation and prevent breast cancer.
- Xymodine (iodine supplement)
Check your breasts on a regular basis! Tips on how to do a Breast Self Exam.