Are you tired of a sluggish metabolism? Lacking energy? Have cold hands and feet? Thinning hair? Do you seem to gain weight no matter what you do? These and many other common symptoms can be a sign of low thyroid function. (Take our Low Thyroid Assessment Questionnaire).
Many physicians believe low thyroid is under diagnosed and that people who have had blood tests indicating normal thyroid function may actually suffer from low thyroid function and can benefit from supplements or thyroid support. This hidden condition can be responsible for many chronic health problems including heart disease, immune system problems and chronic fatigue. It can also have a negative effect of one’s metabolism making it difficult to lose weight.
There are many factors that can affect thyroid function and hormone utilization in the body. Chronic stress, environmental toxins, food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, inflammation, even an over consumption of soy products could be affecting your thyroid’s ability to function at optimal efficiency.
The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland which produces and secretes three major hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and calcitonin. Thyroid hormones influence almost every cell in the body. Keeps you working at peak capacity instead of a slow burn.
Testing for Thyroid Health
A blood test can give your practitioner indications of your thyroid health. In addition, you can test your resting metabolic rate (See Metabolic Profile) to determine if your metabolism is working at capacity. This will also provide details into the amount of calories your body “burns” at rest and estimate how many calories you should be eating to achieve your weight loss goals. Vitamins, herbal products, thyroid hormones and iodine can help improve your metabolism and thyroid function.
Iodine replacement for thyroid is well known. According to Dr Brownstein’s book, “Iodine: Why you need it/Why you can’t live without it”, iodine has been the most researched mineral in treating this condition. There are several ways to test for iodine deficiency: Iodine Spot Test, 24 Hour Iodine Loading Test.
Despite the fortification of our salt and food with iodine many people are still deficient. Iodine is essential for the proper synthesis of thyroid hormone in the body and running our metabolism to burn calories. Enzymes in our body need iodine to complete their job or reactions. Unfortunately when iodine is deficient, our bodies grab other elements in our environment take its place! Chlorine, bromine, and fluoride are abundant in our environment, food and water supply. These chemicals will quickly replace iodine in our body’s tissue and interfere with metabolism leading to a number of problems including hypothyroidism, lowered vitality, cognitive dysfunction, lowered immunity, obesity and possibly breast cancer.
The majority of the body’s iodine (about 20 to 30 mg) circulating in the average adult is stored in the thyroid in the form of thyroid hormone. Less than 1 mg is found in the blood, and trace amounts are found in the tissue. Therefore blood testing is not the true way to check for deficiency. In the past, iodine was administered by painting in onto the skin. Deficiency is tested by giving iodine and watching the body soak it up. This forms the basis for the iodine spot test. This is an easy method of assessing your iodine levels. Try our at home ‘Iodine Spot Test’ to see if you are deficient in this key mineral.
A more scientific, definitive test involves oral Iodine administered and a 24 hour urine collection for elimination (24 Hour Iodine Loading Test). Deficient people soak up or hold onto any given iodine showing little in the collected urine. Those without a deficiency or well saturated will spill out most of the iodine in the urine collected. Knowing your saturation number, makes it easy to administer enough iodine to replenish your deficiency and saturate the necessary tissue. Retesting can confirm and management your continued supplementation.
What can you do?
Supplements to Consider:
- Iodoral or XymoDine– to help replenish your iodine level
- Medcaps T3 – targeted nutrients and herbs to support a healthy thyroid.
- T-150 – multi-glandular, mineral & herbal formula to support healthy thyroid function.
- Check your symptoms with our Low Thyroid Assessment Questionnaire and talk to your practitioner or make an appointment with a member of our team (772-419-0505).
- Assess your metabolic rate. Make an appointment for a Metabolic Profile (772-419-0505) and learn how many calories you burn and what number you need to achieve your weight loss goals.
- Test your iodine level with the Iodine Spot Test.
- Purchase a 24 hour Iodine Loading Test for more specific information about your need for iodine supplementation.