Overall Muscle Conditioning Program
Weightlifting Exercises by Major Muscle Group |
Lower Body Muscle Groups
Upper Body Muscle Groups
What you will need:
1. Free weights, bands, body resistance – Everyday household items may be used for weight – used milk jugs filled with water or sand turns into a dumbbell with a handle!
3. A notebook/exercise log to record your repetitions and amount of resistance for each exercise. WORKOUT CHART
Workout Emphasis: Burning fat, improve lean body mass and developing a toned body.
Workout Frequency: 3-4 times a week.
Number of Repetitions: 8-10 per set (30 for abdominal exercises)
The Exercises
- Chest – bench press, push ups, wall push ups (8-10 repetitions)
- Back – seated rows, bent over one arm row, back extension (8-10 repetitions)
- Biceps – standing biceps curl (8-10 repetitions)
- Calves – seated calf raises (8-10 repetitions)
- Shoulders – seated shoulder press, lateral shoulder raises (8-10 repetitions)
- Triceps – seated triceps extensions. bent over one-arm triceps extension, arms dips or standing push downs with bands (8-10 repetitions)
- Thighs – squats, lunges, seated wall hold, leg presses (8-10 repetitions).
- Abdominals – crunch, leg raises, band crunches (30 repetitions)
How to Perform
- Select a weight that makes it challenging to do your 8-10 repetitions (30 for abdominals). Once you can do 14 repetitions, add weight/resistance. You want work you muscles hard – use enough weight to challenge yourself.
- Do 1 set of 8-10 repetitions per exercise. Rest 1:30 seconds between exercises or 5 minutes of cardio e.g. jogging/jumping jacks.
- Record the amount of repetitions and resistance (wt) you achieved for each exercise.
- For cardio, you can jog in place, jumping jacks, jump rope, march, walk, bike, row, etc.
- Adding 5 minutes of cardio in between these exercises or 20 minutes before/after these exercises increases the caloric expenditure of this routine, keeps your heart rate up throughout the routine and will promote greater calorie burning.
- Perform this workout for 6 weeks. This workout will empower you to build confidence and a workout habit. Now your body and mind will be ready for even better results.