24 hour Iodine Loading Test

Iodine is an essential element.  Although its main function is in the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland, other organs in the body have a need for iodine in order to function normally.  Iodine deficiency can be the cause or cursor to enlargement of the thyroid (goiter), hypothyroidism, breast pain, fibrocystic breasts, and/or pregnancy related illnesses.

The 24 Hour Iodine Loading Test is helpful in gauging a patient’s iodine sufficiency.  The principle is, if the body’s level of iodine is adequate, most of the iodine ingested during the test will be excreted in the urine.  If the body is deficient in iodine, a significant portion will be retained by the body.

The test involves taking a prescribed amount of iodine first thing in the morning and then collecting your urine for 24 hours.  Researchers have found that patients with sufficient iodine will excrete 90% of the ingested amount in the urine.  Any test result lower that 90% suggests the patient is a candidate for iodine supplementation.

This test provides information for practitioners to prescribe a more specific daily dose of supplemental iodine.  If this test is not conducted we recommend only one Iodoral daily.  Contact our office at 772-419-0505 to order your test.

Supplements to Consider:

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