Eat YOUR way to Depression Prevention & Treatment

With the rates of diagnosed depression continuing to rise in the United States, especially in our youth, FOOD – once again – can help!  Simply put. “You are what you eat”.  Our foods determine the makeup of our brains, and our brains determine our thoughts and actions, so of course our foods should influence out mood.  And now you have a list to help…

Dr. Laura LaChance from the University of Toronto and Dr. Drew Ramsey from Columbia University research, published in 2018, looked at which foods had the highest density of the nutrients shown to prevent and reduce the symptoms of depression.

“Twelve Antidepressant Nutrients relate to the prevention and treatment of depressive disorders: Folate, iron, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), magnesium, potassium, selenium, thiamine, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and zinc. The highest scoring foods were bivalves such as oysters and mussels, various seafoods, and organ meats for animal foods. The highest scoring plant foods were leafy greens, lettuces, peppers, and cruciferous vegetables.”

Their research is synthesized into an easy to follow chart (reproduced below) of antidepressant foods.

The authors also call attention to the fact that intake of many of the most important antidepressant nutrients (like B12 – methylcobalamin and omega-3 fatty acids) may be inadequate in purely “plant-based diets,” though these can easily be obtained in supplement form.  Visit STORE in the menu above to get access to professional grade supplements!