America is being slathered in a tidal wave of bad choices leading to fat accumulation, obesity and all of the ailments that come along with it. Obesity is an epidemic that unfortunately appears to be the inevitable future for America unless changes are made according to recent statistics. Research and recent predictions are that by […]
Following keto? BLOCK carbs… Don’t wear them!
Thanksgiving is here and you’ve been following a keto or low-carb diet with some success. Enter Thanksgiving… In order to enjoy the family festivities and not end up looking like a turkey afterwards, try our PrenuPhase supplement. This powerful formula is a comprehensive glycemic and metabolic management support. It will help delay the digestion and […]
Breast Cancer – It got me… Healing and My Security Blanket Supplement

When I started my career as an exercise physiologist, I enjoyed working in preventive medicine helping cardiac patients renew and improve their lives after heart attacks and open heart surgeries. Many patients claimed, “They never felt better in their lives”. This was the start of my journey to look at the whole person and not […]